About us...

ACCI flows from the knowledge that Cree culture must be captured, maintained, shared, celebrated, and practiced. Cree Elders have spoken of the need for a central place for the protection of the way, and have developed a vision for Aanischaaukamikw over several decades.

Aug 22, 2013

Canadian Museum of Civilization Internship Program

Lisa Petawabano, our archivist has been accepted in the Canadian Museum of Civilization Internship Program.  Congratulations Lisa, We are proud of you!

Lisa Petawabano
I am sooo excited about my internship! I can’t wait to get started!  This wonderful program available to native people in Canada will provide me with an 8 month hands-on experience at the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC) in Gatineau, Quebec. This huge museum displays authoritative exhibits and houses millions of artifacts, photos, archives and an impressive anthropological library.  This museum is recognized as one of the premiere cultural facilities of the twentieth century and is home to the Canadian Postal Museum, the Canadian Children’s Museum, and an IMAX theatre! I am positive I will gain relevant knowledge, skills, and experience which will be applicable in my position as archivist upon my return to Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute (ACCI).
The program will help me better understand the breadth of a museum and will enable me to improve my participation in realizing ACCI’s mandate and objectives with a broader view of our Museum and how all its functions interrelate.  ACCI is a new institution and we have a far reaching mandate to serve nine (9) Cree communities throughout a large territory as well as communicating with other museums in Canada.  An experience at CMC will help me prepare for this. My knowledge and newly acquired skills will also be shared with my fellow colleagues, summer students, family, friends and in future workshops.